Coping with Chronic Illness: 10 Things I Do When I’m Not Feeling Well
Coping with Chronic Illness: 10 Things I Do When I’m Not Feeling Well
For the past two weeks, I have felt worse than usual. I have been extremely tired, in pain, unmotivated, and have had trouble concentrating. These are all symptoms that accompany Multiple Sclerosis and I am used to struggling with them all however they have been magnified by 100 lately. For example, I recently slept for 24 hours straight. Twenty four hours straight!! Who does that? Me!!
As I write this, I am having difficulty concentrating and I am struggling to form complete sentences. This gets me frustrated because words have always flowed easily for me.
In addition, the pain I am experiencing is getting old. Heck, it’s making me feel old! I know that the extreme feelings I’m having will pass…..eventually. I just have to ride them out.
When I don’t feel well, there are certain things that I do to either distract myself or try and relax.
These are the things that work for me so if you struggle with your own chronic health issues, I recommend that you develop your own self-soothing list.
Coping with Chronic Illness: 10 Things I Do When I’m Not Feeling Well
- I listen to soothing music. This is the CD I turn to first.
- I light candles and pray/meditate.
- I browse through magazines and only look at the pictures or read a good book.
- I browse Pinterest and look at all the pretty things.
- Sleep and snuggle with the cats|dog.
- Remind myself that this too shall pass.
- Take a long shower/bath.
- Eat chocolate. This helps boost my serotonin level (the feel-good hormone).
- Go outside on my patio with a cup of hot green tea. If I’m able, I get close to the nature around me. Sometimes, I just sit still and let the sunshine cast its rays on me.
- Call/text/chat with a friend who truly understands life with chronic illness.
When I’m not feeling well, I spend a good bit of time in my bedroom and it’s filled with things I love. Yes, I love cats but I also love angels.
I have angel pictures on the wall, an angel nightlight, angel figurines, and a few angel candles. There is something about angels that relaxes me which is why I keep my collection in my bedroom.
While I’ve never visited in person, I love to explore the Sistine Chapel online. It is a stunning piece of work that always takes my mind off of my own discomfort. I’ve included the link below.
It is not known precisely where angels dwell – whether in the air, the void, or the planets. It has not been God’s pleasure that we should be informed of their abode. ~Voltaire
While we are sleeping, angels have conversations with our souls. ~Author Unknown
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; ~Psalm 91:11 NIV
I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. ~Michelangelo
Explore the Sistine Chapel {This is worth a visit. It’s stunning and you can use your mouse to move around the chapel}.
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Kim I truly am sorry that you’re having to deal with all of the symptoms that go along with MS.
I have lived in pain since I blew my knee working as a police officer and EMT. I developed a neurological pain disorder called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). It’s also known as the suicide disease because the pain is so severe and there’s no cure or decent treatment. I also have four autoimmune diseases and am a cancer survivor. Life has not been easy. It’s 0417 and I can’t sleep because I am hurting too much. Thanks for the tips. I will be trying them soon.